Brunswick Stadium Casual Participation Policy
Brunswick Stadium Casual Participation Policy
Participants in casual activities at Brunswick Stadium participate at their own risk. Casual activities mean all activities except formal, organised, official competitions. Brunswick Stadium accepts no responsibility whatsoever for injuries that may occur as a consequence of any activity engaged in at the Stadium.
All participants and others in attendance enter the Stadium and use the stadium under the condition that they themselves assume full and total personal responsibility for all injuries and damages which occur in the Stadium and do hereby fully release and discharge Brunswick Stadium from any and all claims, demands, damages, rights of action, present or future resulting from or arising out of any person’s attendance at or participation in activities at Brunswick Stadium.
Participants and all others in attendance must abide by the Stadium’s rules and procedures with respect to care for the venue and surroundings and must pay for any damage caused by their actions. Failure to abide by these rules and procedures will lead to the individual or group being barred from using the Stadium.
Users of the Stadium must provide the Stadium with a signed copy of their agreement to all the above.
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